Sunday, June 8, 2014

Meet the Cats

(Note that all of the pictures were taken before spring)This is the mother cat she is about 6 years old, she is nice too little kids, the best hunter, and she is soft, and fluffy. all of these pictures were taken before this spring, and the 2nd pic she is in a box with her kittens. Her color is tortoiseshell.Good  mother.

These are her babies from last year.

This is Ninja she is the 2nd best hunter, doesn't like to be picked up, but if you pet her she will follow you every where.She is one year old. Her coat color is black with a little bit of white. And she likes to swim. these were also taken before spring. poor mother.

                       The other cat is Cornmeal
 Ninja is wet from swimming. (above)

 Here is Tiger, He is very friendly to everyone. when you're walking he will plop himself right between your feet and start  rolling and rubbing. he also likes dogs coat color is orange tabby. poor at fathering.

And this is Pussy Willow before she had kittens she would bite your toes if you were close enough. Coat color is tortoiseshell. Excellent mother. I don't know why I only have one picture of her.
Here is Cornmeal. He will also follow you around, but he doesn't like to be picked up. He thinks that what ever you are doing couldn't possibly be better then petting him. Coat color is yellow tabby. good father.

Now I saved the best for last.

This is Kiwi she is my favorite, because she is smart, (she knows many different ways to get in the house, she knows a few tricks too, like ridding on your shoulder.) cute and cuddly, likes to be held in any way, is an excellent mother likes kids and dogs, she is a good hunter and she is beautiful. I take many pictures of her

And we have 3 litters of kittens that I will take pictures of later.

Friday, June 6, 2014

All our Sheep from all the years.

Well here I will show you all the different sheep and lambs that we have had through out the years. 
Most of our lambs were born in March.

Spring Storms

Wonderful rain, horrid thunder, and gorgeous lightning. With  pretty clouds after the storm.