Two ducks hatched 20 ducklings on may 13th, They are Khaki Campbell / Ancona, so all the ducklings are dark, and one is brown. I love ducks, they have always been my favorite animals.
I collect the ducklings and raise them so they learn to like humans, and when I let them out they follow me, when I lay in their pen they all hop onto me, I read to them so they can get used to my voice, at 3 weeks old they already know how to come when called, and they answer when I "quack" one duckling had trouble coming out of the egg, in the wild when this happens the duckling doesn't live because it was too weak to escape the shell, but with the help of my younger sister-beckah this little duckling made it out alive, and now he is growing strong. she named him little foot.
They've ll been sold to good homes. I bought a Eco incubator that holds 24 eggs, it's amazing, and I've hatched out 15 babies so far.